Behind His Eyes – Final Recording

November 29th, 2007

It is finally completed and ready to play. I have to thank the following individuals for their participation in this project;

David Cagle – Lead vocal and harmonies
Bill Gifford Jr. – Rhythm Guitar
Scott Buffington – Guitar Solo
Jerry Langenfeld – Drums
Billy Playle – Electric Guitar
Lindy Mack – Organ

And now here is the link to listen to the song Behind His Eyes

New Collab and progress on Behind His Eyes

November 16th, 2007

First I just posted a new collab I participated in. The song is called Love Again. Words and music by Ali Kat and Paul D. Vocals – Ali Kat, Guitar – StudioPlayer, Keyboards – Paul D and my self on bass. Here is the file to take a listen Love Again

Behind His Eyes is just waiting for a guitar solo to be completed then with the help of my friend David (Bear) Kushner we will be producing a music video for the song.

Bound By Silence

October 15th, 2007

Finally after many re-writes the parody of Sounds Of Silence about Autism is just about finished. Thanks to vocals by David Cagle I’m just about done. To take a listen click on the link musicv2 – Bound By Silence

AA finally pays and Behind His Eyes gets a new sound

October 4th, 2007

Yes folks after much pressure and finally locating some receipts AA finally paid me back for my lost equipment. So the lesson learned is if you aren’t taking with you on the plane insure it.
Now on to the music news! Behind His Eyes has gotten a facelift and a new sound. I’ve added David Cagle on vocals, JMan on drums, Aidan on guitar and Lindy on organ. I’m still needing a guitar solo and once I have that it will be finished. Here is the link to take a listen and please do comment.
Behind His Eyes

Calling All Warriors – See it now!

August 8th, 2007

Calling All Warriors video is done and you can get a sneak peak at the Journey of Faith website.

Out Of The Silence

July 1st, 2007

Well I spent a few pennies to hire a vocalist to sing one of my songs Out OF The Silence. So I’d really appreciate you all taking a listen and leaving some feedback. This way I’ll know if this avenue is worth pursuing. Here is the link Out Of The Silence or if you want to help my hit count listen here musicv2 Tokich Project .

Calling All Warriors – Another Video

June 3rd, 2007

Yes sir, I justed finished shooting another video. This one is for Father’s day. The song Calling All Warriors is written by our worship leader Mark Portis. It is a real rocker and was a blast to shoot. As soon as I get the DVD I’ll post it here.

My Savior My God – Easter Video

June 2nd, 2007

For our Easter service at Journey of Faith we did a music video to My Savior My God by Aaron Shust. Filmed on the cliffs of Palos Verdes it came very nice. My first appearance in a music video, so I hope you enjoy. Below is a link to You Tube for streaming video.

My Savior My God – You Tube Link 

Purchase Music Now

May 24th, 2007

Hey how would you like to support a starving artist? Show the love and buy a song or two. Check out the new Purchase Music page on my website

It’s All Coming Together

May 15th, 2007

I just purchased and received a Michael Kelly case for my bass and I bought a new lutehole cover to replace the one lost by AA. The lutehole cover will take about two weeks to arrive as it is a special order item.

Michael Kelly Bass Case Lutehole Cover